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As a weapon merchant king to establish their own world business empire.


"A king of arms dealers to establish itself as a global business empire."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: GGLD is a business strategy game. The main goal of the world as an arms merchant to set up a business empire.

Your Company consists of President (you), Company Stations (worldwide provide various information and profit) and Company Units Foundation (escort unit traveling with the president; Station Units which protect company stations).

In general, the basic task, traveling around the world to buy and sell goods (weapons and mercenaries), the company renting units to establish conservation and Company stations.

world is not a peaceful place. Countries may be war, political instability, civil war, cold war and sanctions. Therefore, this is not popular in some countries the arms trade is not bad for business, and orders to find the best place to buy or sell goods to the country's political status should keep in mind.

Naturally, the arms trade business. Map View button "Corporate Status" some information (which may be Ally, country hospitality can be related to the neutral and the State Enemy). You are in the province where the company is not Expect status "Enemy of the State".

Basic freight company cargo plane will be. President, with your units and cargo loads in cargo plane flight units (except for their protection as an air cargo aircraft also fly) is placed. Thus, while you and your property free of the cargo plane cargo space to fit the company should be careful when choosing units. Free cargo space can be increased by purchasing additional cargo aircraft.

Time is an important factor. Does it take to fly from country to country. Your speed will slow the speed of cargo aircraft.

Less successful businessmen is always an alternative: a bank is robbed. Where the action takes place outside of that country do not get, there will decrease your company's situation is like. Guns Girls Lawyers Dollars download free now you can.

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